Frequently Asked Questions

What is the first step to secure services from Threshold?

Persons may self-refer to Threshold for services. Referrals may also be made by support coordinators, case managers or other human services professionals.

For more information, please contact the Vice President of Mental Health Services or Vice President of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services.

How is payment made for services at Threshold?

Threshold accepts payments from a variety of sources.  Most often funding is secured through Medicaid, state and county funds, and the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation.  

What type of employment supports do you have?

Threshold provides a range of competitive integrated employment and training supports.  Employment supports are offered in both Mental Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities departments. 

How long will Threshold provide services for me or my family member?

Threshold offers a range and variety of supports.  Funding sources may dictate the length or scope of the service.  Threshold will provide ongoing supports as long as the persons’ needs to match the scope of the service.  When appropriate, Threshold will make referrals for new or additional supports to match the needs of the individual.

Will Threshold find employees for my place of business?

Berks Personnel Network (BPN), a department of Threshold, matches individuals with disabilities and local competitive, employment opportunities. BPN is able to provide coaching to train and maintain the employee successfully in their role.

Participants in our Community Participation Supports complete work assembly on our site for a variety of local industries.